You are probably asking yourself
Do you feel something is missing? Are better outcomes a possibility? Would you like help discovering the answers to these questions?
Human potential, finding purpose and meaning in life and work, supporting parent-child relationships, and facilitating positive relationship and conflict resolution experiences is what I care about. Working as an educator and facilitator with many individuals and groups in a variety of setting, delivering professional development programs, and personal-skills classes, the people with whom I have worked have consistently reported finding new perspectives, increased self-awareness, and a transformation in their sense of what is possible. I bring this same purpose to my work as a certified coach through the International Coaching Federation.
I make a difference for my clients by helping them achieve their hoped-for future!
Why coaching, why now? I believe that you are a “whole” and capable individual, having achieved a sense of yourself in the dimensions of your personal life and/or as a professional in the workplace. Life may not be perfect, “Things” keep getting in the way.
Though, as many adults, you may also find yourself wondering…
Coaching is a professional service that helps you move through these changes. If you are considering coaching, you may be wondering if you can find more balance, increase effectiveness, and clarity of purpose in your life.
My latest book for personal growth –
CHOICE FACTOR takes you on a beautiful path to individual freedom and better outcomes.
Explore, learn, and grow with transformational coaches Aline Sonnenberg and John Purcell.
Discover how awareness brings greater choices. When activated, a choice can reveal unending possibilities.